Men’s Bible Study | Rise and Build
Men’s Bible Study
What we know today as No Walls Ministry began with a men’s Bible study that started meeting in 2010. This group of culturally and denominationally different men longed to better understand and embody the truth of the gospel - that Jesus Christ is himself our peace and has made us one and broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” (Eph. 2:14) For far too long, the church had been divided by race, class, cultures and denominations. Great harm had been inflicted by this division both to those inside and outside the church. These men wanted more. They wanted to know and experience unity in the diverse Body of Christ. That same desire, that same hunger, exists today as these men gather each week to study God’s Word together and invite each other into their lives. They meet on Monday mornings at 7:00AM at Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church. All men are welcome to attend.
Rise and Build
Pathway to Homeownership & Generational Wealth
Helping individuals break cycles of financial instability, Rise & Build provides coaching in financial discipline, credit building, and life structure. It empowers families toward homeownership and long-term stability. Your donation invests in a future of equity, responsibility, and legacy building.