Relationship Building
Second Saturday Community lunch | Talent & Testimony | Open Table
Second Saturday Community Lunch
On the second Saturday of the month, individuals and families from our member churches and the greater Lynchburg community gather at the historic Gospel Community Church at College Hill in downtown Lynchburg for a community lunch. These lunches are like any other potluck event in that attendees bring tasty dishes to share, yet they are like no other lunch in that the purpose is to cultivate friendships across racial and church divides. This happens as we share stories around the table and learn what we didn’t know about one another. It happens as we “break bread” with one another. It happens as we hear the hope-filled message of reconciliation that Jesus (“the bread of life”) delivered and fleshed out in his life and death upon the cross and his triumphant resurrection. And if you have little ones, we’ll provide a special program (story, crafts, etc.) for them in between the meal and dessert. We hope you’ll join us for an upcoming community lunch. Don’t worry about bringing a dish the first time - you’ll be our guest, but don’t be surprised if you leave feeling less like a guest and more like family.
Talent & Testimony
Part of being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) is the ability to tell stories. After all, God is the ultimate storyteller, recounting in the Scriptures His creation of man and man’s rebellion, His redemption of man through the atoning work of His Son (Jesus) upon the cross, and the consummation of that restored relationship between God and man at the end of time. And yet this is not just God’s story to tell, it’s also our testimony to share as individuals and as a people. Some of us share that testimony with our musical talents. Others of us share that testimony with our vocal talents and still others share that testimony with visual talents. Whatever the talent, whatever the story, they all reflect God’s story unfolding in each life. At Talent and Testimony, there is a confluence of stories being told of God’s work in the world through his Spirit. Each story is different because each life and context is different. There are different paths taken, different wounds inflicted, and different perspectives held that need to be heard, and Talent and Testimony is the place where that happens. Join us on the first Friday of the month at 7 pm at Mosaic Church as we gather to hear those stories sung, seen, and spoken. Join us as we learn to appreciate our different stories while celebrating the one gospel story that unites us all. Join us as we pursue unity one voice at time. Contact Steve Weaver at (434) 401-2139 for more information or to participate as an artist.
Open Table
Volunteers, known as table members, create relationships and community with the homeless, working poor, individuals from foster care or incarceration.Each table is composed of 6-10 volunteers that make a year long commitment to meet weekly for one hour and act as a team of encouragers and advocates for the individuals or families in need. Those being served, along with their table members, establish goals, accountability and an overall Life Plan to implement. Through a wholistic approach scarcity of resources and relationship are addressed in the very first meeting. As tables end, they transition into The After Plan where regular meetings are no longer needed but relationships continue. Open Table is a national model that provides comprehensive training and the opportunity to experience a transformation change for the volunteers and those being served. For more information on Open Table or if you'd like to get involved, click the button below.