Community Service
Appliance Ministry | Sports Ministry | Community Work Teams
Appliance Ministry
Since 2013, we’ve been able to give away over 800 appliances to individuals and families in need - appliances that were likely destined for a landfill but were repurposed and given away as tangible gifts of Christ’s love. With each appliance comes the gift of time (a trip to the laundromat on public transportation can take a couple of hours or more). It also comes with the gift of freedom for families to use their limited funds on more critical needs, and the gift of humanity that reminds these families that they are not alone and there are people who care about their emotional, physical and spiritual welfare. If you’ve got an appliance (working or not) that you’d like to donate to the ministry or you’d like to volunteer your time to repair or clean donated appliances, please fill out our contact form. We currently accept washers, electric dryers, electric stoves, and small refrigerators.
Sports Ministry
Since the very beginning, the No Walls Ministry has understood the power of sports to engage youth and families to model the love of Christ. Over the years that has meant creating teams for basketball and soccer where young people were coached to build their skills and character. More recently, the No Walls Ministry has joined a collaborative group of nonprofits known as The Lynchburg Area Youth Sports Initiative. In partnership with this group, a broad strategy of involvement has been developed to reach young people who may not be able to participate in organized sports due to the cost. Too many kids have been shut out of involvement due to the current “pay to play” model that exists in most places currently.
For more information, please visit the Lynchburg Area Youth Sports Initiative website below.
Community Work Teams
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…” (James 1:27) The Christian faith is most authentic, most pure, when it is looking after and caring for the vulnerable and marginalized of our city. It’s coming alongside those who have no “voice” and advocating on their behalf. Our community work teams, which we affectionately refer to as the “Service Squad,” look for opportunities to come alongside the elderly, single moms, and others on the margins and provide home repair and improvement services, like floor repairs, repainting rooms, and building handicap ramps to name a few. We’ve even moved household belongings following an eviction. At the core of our work teams is the work of neighbors lending a hand to neighbors. It is building unity out of our diversity as we build up our community. It is pursuing unity one hand at a time. If you’d like to volunteer with a work team or if you're in need of assistance, click the button below.