
Stephen C. Weaver

advisory council

Stephen C. Weaver is the founder of the No Walls Ministry, an original board member, and its first president from 2010 to 2017. Steve is a 2008 Liberty University School of Law graduate and is licensed as an attorney in Virginia. In 2010, Steve founded the Center for Racial Unity, the forerunner non-profit organization to the No Walls Ministry, which specialized in teaching, training, and developing outreach programs to address issues of race within the Church.

Steve developed and taught an Introduction to Race Relations course for two semesters as an adjunct professor at Liberty University. He has worked with race-related issues for most of his adult life. Steve was employed as a Diversity Manager at Food Lion, heading up its Minority Vendor/Supplier Program, and as a corporate trainer, taught classes on diversity. While in North Carolina, Steve was involved with the “Bridge Builders” program, which assembles black and white community leaders monthly for a meal and discussion about issues of race.

Steve and his lovely wife Donna have been married since 1984 and live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Steve and Donna raised two children of their own and are proud grandparents. They opened their home as foster parents to two African American children and served as the host family for two Korean/Indian high school students.

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