About Us
Our Story
What began in 2001 as a Bible study of men from different cultural and denominational backgrounds grew into a nonprofit ministry aimed at helping churches work cross-culturally and cross-denominationally to meet the needs of the community. With great grace and humility, these men moved courageously toward one another. They began to ask culturally important questions of themselves and one another. They learned how to listen to and listen for the stories of God’s redeeming grace in Christ Jesus. As the group continued to meet, they became aware of needs in the community. They sought to incarnate the gospel by meeting those needs. After a few years, however, the group realized they couldn’t do it alone. They needed help. They talked about their churches getting involved, and not just to bankroll these needs, but to also participate in the reconciling work of Christ. They wanted to see their churches unified around the gospel and to see them working together to break down the spiritual, relational, economic, and educational walls that divide cultures. In God’s providence, that’s exactly what happened. He brought their churches, which were culturally and denominationally different, together to form No Walls Ministry. They came together to understand and tear down the dividing walls of hostility that exist both with God and with one another. They came together to build bridges towards gospel unity and human flourishing.
OUR Mission
Uniting people in Christ's love through ministry that removes barriers and divisions by cultivating relationships, building community, and promoting education.
Our Vision
A world united and flourishing in Christ across cultures, one relationship at a time.
Our Partners
Do the mission, vision, and values of the No Walls Ministry excite and encourage you? Then consider joining with the No Walls Ministry by becoming a partner church with us. Through your involvement and investment, we can realize the goal of churches being united together in Christ for a better community.